These simple but intricate drawings by Simone Shubuck are exceptional. Shubuck makes work on paper, using colored pencils, graphite, and other mixed media. She apparently fills sheets of heavy paper and 'dead' stationery with delicate, layered scenes where birds, Cartier bracelet designs, lists of Jay-Z's aliases, images of Egon Schiele, Peter Beard photographs, and plants and flora collide and coexist. She combines pop cultural themes with her own personal doodles, phone numbers and random (at times enlightening) thoughts. For more on Simone.
re whoever designs this website: they should realize by now (it's 2007, not 5,000 BCE) that websites are inherently a visual communications format. You would not know this to look at this website. The font/type/text is in archaic tiny, non enlargeable font. What's the point? They evidently think that everyone is ten to twenty years old but that isn't so.
re whoever designs this website: they should realize by now (it's 2007, not 5,000 BCE) that websites are inherently a visual communications format. You would not know this to look at this website. The font/type/text is in archaic tiny, non enlargeable font. What's the point? They evidently think that everyone is ten to twenty years old but that isn't so.
uhhh...whatever dude.
Great post on Simone!
Y'know, you can delete those negative comments about your blog. You can also enable comment moderation in your blogger dashboard.
(fellow blogspot user and friend of Simone)
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